Назарбаев Университет кампусында әр түрлі интеллектуалдық даму салаларында, оның ішінде ғылым және зерттеу саласы, мамандықтар бойынша клубтар, шығармашылық және ойын-сауық клубтары, азаматтық қоғам, қайырымдылық, мәдениет, театр және спорт салаларына баулитын 100-ден астам студенттік клубтар мен ұйымдар жұмыс істейді.
Студенттік клубтар студенттерге өз идеяларын жүзеге асыруға жағдай жасайды. Студенттік клубтарға баулу студенттерге, академиялық және академиядан тыс тәжірибелердің арасындағы байланыстырушы буын болып табылатын клубтарды өздері басқару жолымен, олардың санаткерлік және көшбасшылық қабілеттерін кеңейтуге мүмкіндік береді. Студенттік клубтарда қатысу көптеген артықшылықтар береді: жаңа достар табуға, жаңа дағдыларды дамытуға, командада жұмыс істеуге, мақсат қоюға және оған жете білуге, шығарамылықты дамытуға, сондай-ақ уақытты қызықты және көңілді өткізуге мүмкіндік береді.
"Ideaspot" Leadership Camp |
NU Business Club |
NU VR/AR Society |
IEEE EDS Student Chapter |
Khan Academy Qazaq |
Academic Support Club |
NU History Club |
IEEE NU Student Chapter |
English Club |
Accounting and Auditing Club |
NU Eco-Vehicles Club |
Space Club |
IEEE Robotics Student Chapter |
French Club |
Alliance for Academic Life |
NU Green Technologies & Innovations |
NU Pre-Med Club |
IEEE CAS Society Student Chapter |
German Club |
Economic Leaders Society |
NU Green and Safe Campus Initiative student club |
NU QazaqGeo Student Club |
IEEE Computer Society Student Chapter |
Japanese Language Club |
NU Association of Political Science/International Relations Students |
NU IET On Campus Group |
ACSI NU Student Chapter |
NU SPE Student Chapter |
Mandarin Chinese Language Club |
Programming for founders |
ASCE Student Chapter at NU |
NU SIAM Student Chapter |
Turkish Club |
Write To Say
NU Math Club |
AIChE NU Student Chapter |
NU SWE Student Chapter |
Korean Club |
Women Engineering Club |
Association of World Languages and Literature Scholars |
ACM Student Chapter |
Spanish Club
Society of Mining Engineers |
Sociology and Anthropology Students Association |
ISPOR Student Chapter |
NU Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society |
NU Robotics Club |
NU IMechE Student Chapter |
NU Project Management Club |
NU Science Cafe |
NU ICE Student Chapter |
Black Rainbow |
Fashion and Design |
Modern Qazaq student club |
NU Magic |
Pottery Club |
Comics Club |
Graphic Designers Association |
NU Art Studio Club |
NU Poetry Club |
Do It Yourself |
Kazakh Stage |
NU Cinema Lectures |
NU Theater and Drama club |
Ethno Club |
NU Italian Club |
NU Writers Club |
Technical Creativity Club |
Entrepreneurship Club (Graduate School of Business) |
Entrepreneurship club |
NU MUN Club |
Speak On Club |
Applicants Support Club |
FLEX Alumni Community at NU |
Green Society |
NU SABRI (Student Association of Belt and Road Initiative) |
Startup Community |
Association of International Students |
Ladies Health & Beauty |
NU HMA (Healthcare Management Association) |
NU Student Awards Committee |
BBB Society (Breaking Belief Barriers Society) |
Legal Literacy Club |
NU Innovations |
NU Toastmasters Club |
The Hub |
Besedka |
MBA Consulting |
NU Intellectual Games |
NU Tourism |
Youth Parliament |
Children's Development Foundation |
MentorGnX |
NU KFSA ( Kazakhstan Finance Society Association) |
NU Volunteers Club |
Youth Society for Education |
Debate Club |
Book Club |
NU KIT club |
Volunteers Club |
E.Quality |
Case Club |
NU Leaders |
Psychology Club |
Eden |
Cooking Club |
NU LIFT (Ladies in Fellowship Together) |
Rotaract Club of NU |
Enactus NU |
Eco&Vegetarian Club |
NU Marketing Club |
Sign Language Club |
"TAIMAS" creative group |
DJing Club |
Media Village |
NU Movie Club |
Perceptions |
25th July Cinema |
FOCUS: SHSS Magazine |
NU Music Production |
Piano Club |
Acoustic Night |
Geeks Club |
NU Yearbook Club |
NU Orchestra |
Stand Up! Night |
A-gaming |
Guitar club |
NU Acapella |
NU People |
The Tuesday Show |
Astana Ball Organizing Team |
Hip-Hop Club |
NU Drums |
NU Rockout |
Young and Creative |
BBX club |
LCA club |
NU Friends |
NU Choir |
ӨнерPath |
Board Games |
Live Music Club |
NU Image |
NU Viola |
PR and Journalism Club |
NU Ladies |
NU Vocal Club |
28 loops |
Jas-Volunteers |
Art for Charity |
NU Charity Garage Sale Club |
Friends for Life |
NU Red Crescent Society |
"Arnau" dance ensemble |
K-pop Cover Dance Club |
NU BJJ & Grappling club(for gentlemen) |
NU Gymnastics Club |
NU Yoga Club |
Arabesque |
Legion Club |
NU Break Dance |
NU Jiu-jitsu Ladies Club |
Qiial Dance Club |
Badminton Club |
NU Football League |
NU Cheerleaders Club |
NU Lady Dance and Fit |
Specific Dance School |
Body Ballet |
NU Table Tennis Club (NUTTC) |
NU Chess Club |
NU Latino Social Dance Club |
Boxing Club |
Nine Q |
NU Contemporary Dance Club |
Street Workout Beastmode |
Fencing |
NU Aikido club |
NU Dance Club |
NU Rugby Club |
Taekwondo club |
ID studio |
NU American Football Club |
NU Flag Football |
NU Runners Club |
Tennis club |
Judo Club |
NU Ballroom Dance |
NU Gym |
NU Tri Club |
Women`s Football Club |