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Info-sessions 14 November, 2024, Thursday

CARCEIT seminar with Dr. Botagoz Ispambetova


CARCEIT seminar with Dr. Botagoz Ispambetova

14 November, 2024, Thursday Info-sessions

Central Asian Research Centre for Educational Innovation and Transformation (CARCEIT) would like to invite you to an upcoming seminar featuring Dr. Botagoz Ispambetova, titled “Institutionalization of Human Subject Protection in Research: A Case Study of One Accelerated University in Kazakhstan”.

This seminar is about the key findings of Botagoz's Ph.D. research, which explored implementation of IREC (Institutional Research Ethics Committee) policy at one accelerated university in non-Western context. The study results offer a framework for implementation of the policy in similar contexts and as well as broader settings.

Don’t forget to register in advance.

If you cannot join in person, you can attend via Zoom. The details will be sent to you prior to the event.

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