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2023, October 10 NU now#NUgoesGLOBAL

NU Establishes Cooperation with University of Toronto

NU Establishes Cooperation with University of Toronto

2023, October 10

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NU signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) and Student Mobility Agreement with the University of Toronto, NU’s first partner university in Canada.

As part of the MoU, the parties agreed on joint research collaborations, student mobility programs, faculty exchange, and participation in lectures, conferences and other academic events. As part of the Student Mobility Agreement, four undergraduate and graduate students from each university will have the opportunity to take part in the student exchange program at the hosting institution. 

The Eurasian Studies are expected to become a starting point of the student exchange. The two universities decided to strengthen cooperation in May 2023, during a joint conference on “Conceptualizing the Belt and Road Initiative and its Effects”.

The University of Toronto is one of the oldest and leading Canadian institutions, famous for its practical electron microscope invention, insulin discovery, and first-ever successful transplantations of a lung and nerves. One of the strategic priorities of the University of Toronto is strengthening international partnerships and attracting students from all over the world.

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