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2022, March 9 #NUgoesGLOBALMedia about us

International Women’s Day Q&A: How mining’s changing landscape is making way for greater gen...

International Women’s Day Q&A: How mining’s changing landscape is making way for greater gen...

2022, March 9

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Mining Technology spoke to Dr Eleonora Widzyk-Capehart about her experience working in a typically male-dominated sector

Mining Technology spoke to Dr Eleonora Widzyk-Capehart about her experience working in a typically male-dominated sector, how digitalisation is changing the mining landscape to make greater space for a diverse workforce, and how mining companies can more adequately attract female talent.

Dr Eleonora Widzyk-Capehart has studied, worked, and taught in the mining engineering industry for 30 years in multiple countries – including the US, Australia, and Chile – before reaching her current role as an associate professor in the School of Mining and Geosciences at NU.

With a particular focus on the application of smart technologies and automation in the mining sector, she has seen the rise of digital tools transforming the industry, and the novel opportunities this presents for women in engineering.


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