MoVE-Kaz Implementation Science Bootcamp 2024
Making Implementation Science Approachable, Accessible, Affordable and Sustainable
Nazarbayev University School of Medicine, in partnership with faculty from the Yale School of Public Health (YSPH) and the Yale School of Medicine (YSM), is pleased to invite you to participate in introductory training in implementation research methods focused on infectious disease surveillance and prevention. This collaborative training aims to enhance participants' understanding of methodologies essential for effective infectious disease monitoring and preventive strategies. Nazarbayev University School of Medicine is pleased to invite you to participate in the:
Venue: Room 633/634
Address: NU School of Medicine, 5/1 Kerey and Zhanibek Khandar Street, Astana
Hosts: Syed Ali and Sten Vermund, Molecular Virology/Epidemiology Training in Kazakhstan (MoVEKaz) Program
Workshop Annotation:
MoVE-Kaz aims to leverage the combined resources of NU, YSPH, and other partners to improve HIV surveillance and prevention in at-risk populations throughout Kazakhstan. Central Asia has been hampered by a lack of expertise in implementation science, an area designed to help bring innovative HIV methods and interventions to scale. Professors Sten Vermund and Frederick Altice will be in residence to bring their experience with implementation science research methods, enhanced by other contributors online from Yale and New York University. Contributions from investigators based in Almaty, Bishkek, and Astana are additional highlights of the training.
Other Contributors:
Please register to attend via this link
Deadline: November 6
For more information:
Read more: Yermek Aitenov,
November 1
CultureNovember 5