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Ph.D. in Global Health

The PhD degree at NU is a four-year full-time research-based program according to international standards accompanied by core courses and a variety of elective courses depending on the background of the student and the project of the PhD thesis.

It is offered within the School of Medicine and is open to Master's students of different scientific backgrounds as well as MD students with prior research experience. It gives graduates of the Master's programs the possibility to obtain an internationally recognized PhD in the field of Global Health.

The School of Medicine is in a unique position to offer this program based on the experience of its faculty in Global Health issues as well as close links to international health organizations (WHO), national health authorities (Ministry of Health) and the hospitals and clinics in Astana city and particularly within UMC, as well as the other NU Schools departments and cluster of research centers.

This program aims to bridge the gap between production of knowledge and its application in Global health practice and policy.

We are committed to training students who will contribute to the health of diverse populations using their knowledge to:

- Conduct cutting-edge research creating new knowledge and advances

- Be part of multidisciplinary team of scientists to solve global health problems

- Work advising policy makers about scientific matters related to global health

- Manage and coordinate scientific projects (national and international)

- Teach at national and international universities 


Check out the NU SoM 360 Virtual Tour


General information: 

Campus: Astana, Kazakhstan, NUSoM building

Language: English

Delivery mode: Full-time, on-campus

Duration: 4 years

Total ECTS credit: 240



  1. Foundations of GH: Major GH problems
  2. Health Policy and Systems Perspectives on GH: evidence and actors
  3. GH into Action: design, implement, manage, and evaluate GH programs and initiatives
  4. Methods in GH Research: generate hypotheses, and research objectives, propose appropriate methodologies
  5. Advanced Methods in GH Research: develop scientific proposals, identify key findings, put results into context with scientific knowledge
  6. Critical Appraisal of Scientific Literature: publications
  7. NUSOM Seminar in Global Health: research projects presentations
  8. Writing for biomedical sciences (PhDBS)
  9. Electives (at NUSOM or from other NU Schools of Departments

The Program has the Doctoral Thesis as intensively research-oriented and its focal point is the Doctoral Thesis (180 ECTS). Students will also take a series of courses and participate actively in Seminars.



• Universities and research institutions

• Public health and health care organizations

• Private companies

• International institutions and non-government organizations.

Admission requirements
Inner program image

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