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Psychiatry, Residency Program

This program is designed to provide medical doctors with fundamental training in general psychiatry to become psychiatrists who are able to work in hospital or outpatient settings.

The Program will provide the residents with the principal competencies and will enable them to practice Psychiatry in the different clinical state-of-the-art facilities under close supervision of academic faculty, and prepare them to seek advanced training if desired. An important feature of this program is the opportunity to conduct clinical and translational research, and prepare them to pursue an academic career.

The first two years residents will have clinical exposure and hand-on training on essential procedures and clinical skills. Third year clinical research and academic teaching will be emphasized.


General information

Campus: Astana, Kazakhstan, NU Medicine building, hospitals

Language: English, Kazakh, Russian

Delivery mode: Full time

Full time: 3 years


Residency graduates continue working as physicians.

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