Starting from 2017 GSPP launched its first doctorate level degree – PhD in Public Policy (a 4-year program).
The PhD Public Policy program aimed at
(1) providing a doctoral program of international standing which will attract high caliber candidates who will make a contribution to applied public policy;
(2) contributing to the economic and social welfare of Kazakhstan through the supply of outstanding doctoral graduates in public policy with functional expertise in these areas;
(3) building sustainability into the higher education sector in Kazakhstan through the provision of future faculty trained to international standards of teaching and research;
(4) strengthening the research base of decision making in the public sector in Kazakhstan through the supply of highly trained researchers; and
(5) adding to existing scholarship on public policy in Central Asia through peer-reviewed publications emanating from the work of PhD students/graduates.
Campus: Astana, Kazakhstan
Language: English
Delivery mode: Full time, on-campus
Duration: 48 months
Total ECTS credit: 240
Year 1&2
Year 3&4
The Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy of the National University of Singapore