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Doctor of Philosophy in Education

The NU Graduate School of Education Ph.D. program combines intensive coursework, a module at highly reputable university, and in-depth exploration of advanced research methodology to develop scholars and independent researchers in the field of Education. It is a full-time four-year program.

Central to the NUGSE Ph.D. experience is the completion of a substantial piece of independent research, in the form of a Ph.D. dissertation. Graduates of the NUGSE Ph.D. program will be expected to act as key players in education reform and policy development in Kazakhstan.


General information: 

Campus: Astana, Kazakhstan

Language: English

Delivery mode: Full time, on campus.

Duration: 4 years

Total ECTS credit: 240



Program combines intensive coursework, a study abroad module, and in-depth exploration of advanced research methodology to develop scholars and independent researchers in the field of Education. It is a full-time four-year program. Central to the NUGSE Ph.D. experience is the completion of a substantial piece of independent research, in the form of a Ph.D. dissertation.

  • Academic English for Doctoral Students

  • Exploring Research Topic I

  • Introduction to Scholarship of Education

  • Advanced Methods of Education Research

  • Teaching and Learning in the University

  • Context: Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment

  • International Study

  • Doctoral Seminar

  • Dissertation Research



Graduates of the Ph.D. program will be expected to act as key players in education reform and policy development in Kazakhstan.   


Strategic partner

University of Pennsylvania

Inner program image

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