The residency program in orthopaedics and traumatology is a five-year program aiming to prepare a fully educated, independent, enterprising, ethically responsible, creative, interested in scientific innovations and nurturing democratic values specialist who is able to fully solve problems and work in a team.
The general aim of the program is to train a specialist orthopedic traumatologist who is able to provide qualified service within the competence and is able to apply the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities providing outpatient and inpatient orthopedic/trauma care in case of acute trauma, in case of orthopedic disease and pathology, in case of oncological diseases of musculoskeletal system, to address the issues of diagnosis, treatment, prevention, hospitalization and rehabilitation of orthopedic diseases and traumatic injuries.
Campus: Astana, Kazakhstan, NU SoM building, hospitals
Language: English, Kazakh, Russian
Delivery mode: Full time
Duration: 5 years
Residency graduates continue working as physicians.