The MMM at NUSOM is a two-year full-time program designed to give students knowledge and skills at the forefront of molecular medicine as well as a solid foundation for a career in biomedical research.
Taught courses cover, but are not limited to, the molecular basis of infection, immunology & inflammation, cancer, neurological disorders, genetic disease, therapeutics, research bioethics, medical bioinformatics, biostatistics, and entrepreneurship/industrial partnerships. ‘State of the art' research facilities will enable students to engage in cutting-edge research on important biomedical issues relevant to human health and disease.
This program meets the Bologna Process and the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) for master’s degrees standards by requiring students to complete 120 credits in four semesters.
Students in this program are trained to enter the local healthcare community, earn their Ph.D., or enter the international healthcare system by working abroad developing innovations in molecular medicine.
Our educators train students in preventing, treating, and diagnosing diseases. The curriculum shows students how to use these skills to research, develop, and utilize new techniques in molecular mechanisms that lead to new advancements in physiology, pathology and therapeutic intervention.
Throughout the two-year program, students train in the latest technology in laboratory research through simulations that develop effective problem solving, teamwork, and communication.
Campus: Astana, Kazakhstan, NUSOM building
Language: English
Delivery mode: Full time, on campus
Duration: 2 years
Total ECTS credit: 120