The program has been specifically designed for talented and dedicated high school graduates who are ready to complete a rigorous and demanding course of study to become highly qualified physicians. A basic medical educational curriculum is integrated not only vertically but also horizontally by breaking down departmental barriers and using an interdisciplinary approach that will result in training professionals who better understand the complexity, interaction and interdependency of different body systems within a clinical context.
The clinical element of the program (Doctor of Medicine) provides the competencies, skills and certification to be employed as a Doctor, to practice medicine and the foundation to continue postgraduate medical training. This program has been designed to be consistent with the model of basic medical education and national qualifications in Kazakhstan but also in many other countries including UK, India, Pakistan, and Commonwealth of Independent Countries. It is competency-based and includes preparation for certification and licensing exams.
Check out the NU SoM 360 Virtual Tour
Campus: Astana, Kazakhstan
Language: English
Delivery mode: Full time, on-campus
Duration: 6 years
Premedical students should have a solid knowledge of basic biomedical sciences and understand their relation to the physical sciences and mathematics. In addition, considering the importance of human contact for being a good physician, it is crucial that premedical students have knowledge in the area of humanities and social sciences. The courses are specifically designed and developed by the School of Medicine to prepare students to the MD part of the program.
The year 3-4 curriculum consists of required curriculum blocks: basic science block (year 3), organ system block (year 4), introduction to patient care block (years 3-4), patient, physician and society block (years 3-4), scientific reasoning in medicine block (years 3-4). During year 5, students complete the required core clinical clerkships. In year 6, all students complete several required advanced clinical clerkships, and one integrated life science course. During the remainder of year 6, students enroll in elective courses, which are primarily clinical experiences at an advanced level.
The main aims of the program are:
To train well-rounded students with varied coursework in the areas of natural sciences, humanities and social sciences, who have a solid understanding of basic biomedical sciences and understand their relation to the physical sciences and mathematics.
To provide a learning environment and experience that will intellectually challenge the student and train to design and conduct research experiments, analyze and present the obtained data, who are creative and curious individuals with the ability to effectively work in a team environment.
To train professionals who better understand the complexity, interaction and interdependence of different human body systems.
To train science-based graduates to apply their methodological training and research findings to advance medical sciences and improve human health and wellbeing.
To educate skilled clinicians to practice medicine in the 21st century and to provide the graduates with the foundation competencies to continue postgraduate medical training.
After completion, graduates can enroll into a Residency program of their choice, continue their studies or work as healthcare professionals.
Learn more about the program here.
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