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NU Academic Quality Framework

NU strives to promote a quality culture and cultivate an ethos of continuous quality enhancement through its integrated management structures and Academic Quality Framework, which places students at its core.

The Framework assures the excellence of the university’s academic programs, supporting student success and achievement of program learning outcomes and the NU Graduate Attributes.

The Framework and its constituent policies are internationally benchmarked, aligned with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG, 2015), compatible with the NU mission and strategy and reflect the national imperatives.

The Framework defines an institutional approach to the management of quality assurance and enhancement, and embraces the following:

These activities are managed through specific policies, procedures and guidelines that are consistently applied, data-informed, and transparent.

For more information, please visit the Institutional Effectiveness website.

Should you have any questions or need consultancy support related to any of the above-mentioned processes, please contact us at academicquality@nu.edu.kz.